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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) global English (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: global English

Is in goldstandard

Evaluando al candidato global English:

global English
Frec: 18
Docs: 13
Nombre propio: / 18 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.191 = ( + (1+0) / (1+4.24792751344359)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
global English
: 2. Canagarajah, S. (2007). The ecology of global English, International multilingual research Journal, 1, 89-100.
: 28. Ives, P. (2006). Global English: Linguistic Imperialism or Practical Lingua Franca? Studies in Language and Capitalism, 1, 121-141.
: Citation/ Para citar este Artículo: Cárcamo, B. (2018). Types of listening comprehension promoted in the Chilean EFL textbook Global English. Colomb. appl. linguist. j., 20(1), pp. 49-61.
: Dörnyei, Z. & Al-Hoorie, A. (2017). The motivational foundation of learning languages other than Global English: Theoretical issues and research directions. Modern Language Journal, 101(3), 455-468.
: Gardner, S. (2012). Global English and bilingual education. In M. Martin-Jones, A. Blackledge, & A. Creese (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of multilingualism (pp. 247-263). London: Routledge.
: Graddol, D. (2006). English Next. Why Global English may mean the End of “English as a Foreign Language”. United Kingdom: British Council.
: Griffin, J. (1997). Global English invades Poland. An analysis of the use of English in Polish Magazine Advertisements, English Today, 13(2), 34-41.
: Henry, A. (2010). Contexts of possiblity in simultaneous language learning: Using the L2 motivational self system to assess the impact of global English. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 31(2), 149-162.
: Llurda, E. (2008). The effects of stays abroad on self-perceptions of non-native EFL teachers. In S. Dogancay-Aktuna & J. Hardmann (Eds.), Global English teaching and teacher education: Praxis and possibility (pp. 99-111). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.